EMSoft understands how important quality is and emphasizes that a testing plan should come first; by not just being a “part” of your team but being a “partner” on your team. A bug-free smoothly running application–is it possible? Yes, it is.
Caring for the final product quality, we conduct all-stage multifaceted testing before product deployment. Thorough testing minimizes potential issues down the road and helps deliver a quality product, which will completely satisfy you..
EM_Soft application testers at work


Functional testing helps to ensure that every piece of code that is deployed can deliver the experience and functionality that was intended.
If you are looking for specialists in functional testing, at EmSoft you can find professionals with outstanding practical skills in Smoke testing, UI testing, Usability testing and much more.


Cost-saving technologies while maintaining quality is one of our company’s highest priorities. We are always seeking the best solution possible for the project at hand. For this reason we prefer Selenium for our automation testing – it’s absolutely free and efficient.


Whether we like it or not, loading time is critical for a user’s experience on a website. For this reason, it’s critically important to carry out a whole range of performance tests to ensure that the software system shows speedy results under a specific set of strains. Our performance engineers implement a variety of testing models: load testing, stress testing, and endurance testing to make your websites as fast as lightning.


The success of a product on the market largely depends on users’ satisfaction. If a product is inconvenient, painful and stressful to operate – it might be the reason to revisit UI components of the application.


Careful logic verification and usability testing significantly increases software quality and helps to achieve desired user experience.
EMSoft strives to locate and fix all the bugs before they show-up in front of your customers eyes!
It’s also necessary to consider the fact that users, having software issues, create a lot of strain on tech support. As a consequence, on management and the development team which in turn postpones code deliverability and raises costs. Paradoxically thought it may seem, thorough testing reduces development costs.


Complex mobile application testing maintains positive end-user experience. EMSoft checks applications on a wide variety of devices, operating systems and OS versions.

Animated applications from our designer
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